Thursday 30 March 2017

Thursday March 30

Lyn opted for a lie in this morning so I went for what was intended to be a quick walk up to the poplar plantation. The weather was cloudy and mild when I set out, and I was pleased to hear a number of Chiffchaffs singing in the various woodland patches.

By the time I reached my destination it was starting to rain. This got steadily heavier so I headed back home with the seed of an idea forming. Why not drive to the paper shop via Arrow Valley Lake so that I could have a quick scan for a Sand Martin.

I thus arrived as the rain was easing and scanning across the lake saw not one but at least 50 Sand Martins whirring around in the distance. I then noticed a Little Grebe lurking at the edge of the reed fringed corner where I was standing.

Little Grebe
At this point it started to pelt down again, so I decided to head back home as my camera really hates getting wet.

Not a bad return for minimal effort though.

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