I had taken the day off with the intention of going birding, but life intervened and instead I spent most of it taking my parents to a routine hospital appointment in Birmingham. Before that happened I managed an hour wandering around Ipsley Alders dreaming of Hawfinches flying over (they are everywhere this autumn).
None put in an appearance, but I did count 36 Fieldfares heading west, and also 19 Redwings. The woodland was very lively with dozens of tits, Goldcrests, and an impressive 17 Blackbirds. Meanwhile Goldfinches featured heavily in the more sparsely wooded parts, at least 50 with about 12 Siskins.
Some Goldfinches |
Cut to late afternoon. I took Lyn to Castle Nurseries (just off patch) to buy a plant and some veggies. No need for the binoculars. Which meant I have been left sighing a lot this evening after I stood and watched a largish, dumpy, short-tailed passerine undulate its way north over the Castle Nurseries car-park. It almost had to be a Hawfinch, but I could see no plumage features at all, and it was silent. Other options included Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, which I don't think it was, and Woodlark, which I can't rule out but seems much less likely than Hawfinch.
I suppose you can't take your bins everywhere, but not having them can lead to frustrating moments like this.
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