The weather just keeps on getting warmer. Not a cloud in the sky today, although I gather we may all be in for a rude awakening next week.
In the meantime we enjoyed yesterday afternoon lounging about in the garden, with me behaving eccentrically as usual by trying to photograph anything that looked interesting.
Red Mason Bee |
The rosemary continues to be an irresistible draw for bees, with Red Mason Bees, Hairy-footed Flower Bees, and Common Carder Bees all visiting it. The former species appears to be nesting in a hole in my neighbour's wall. Luckily there isn't a cat in hell's chance that he will read this blog so I'll hope he doesn't notice.
The nest hole |
Another new species for the garden was perched on the fence, a bee of course.
Tawny Mining Bee |
I also spotted a Drone Fly resting on the regrowing Buddleia.
Drone Fly |
This morning I went for a short walk around Ipsley Alders. I was too early for insects so had to hope that the birds would come up trumps. In the event I saw only a pair of Greylag Geese on the pool plus most of the usual resident species. Migrants were represented by eight singing Chiffchaffs, five singing Blackcaps, and a single singing Willow Warbler.
Willow Warbler |
The only butterflies I have positively identified on patch today were Orange Tips and a Brimstone, although a probable Large White settled briefly on the budding blossom in our apple tree, disappearing before I could grab either binoculars or camera.
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